There is in Hinduism a large number of deities, Hindu deities are god and goddess in Hinduism. There are different forms or personalities which are worshipped as murtis. A murti is for the Hindus a god, an image in which they worship. One God may have different names and form in Hinduism. The Hindus mainly believe in karma. God in general in Hinduism is known as Bhagavan. There is a long list of Hindu deities in Hinduism. God may have different aspect in Hinduism depending of what is talked about, as creator God is then called Brahma, Vishnu is God known as preserver of the world. As immortal and destroyer of the world the God is called Shiva. Other forms of Vishnu are Krishna and Rama. The usual gods that are worshipped by the Hindus are: Kali, Rama, Krishna and Shiva. Many gods in Hinduism has part of their body in animal form. Some of the popular deities in Hinduism are: Ganesha, Devi, Hanuman, Krishna, Murugan, Lakshmi, and Ramachandra. The ten avatars, incarnation or descent, of Vishnu are: Vamana which represent a young child, the Dwarf in the Treta Yuga; Matsya which represents the beginning of life, the fish seen in the Satya Yuga; Varaha representing an embryo almost ready, the boar in Satya Yuga; Kurma represents an embryo too but with huge belly and tiny legs, the tortoise in Satya Yuga; Narasimha is the representation of a baby just born, full of blood, cranky and hairy, the man-lion in Satya Yuga; Kalki also called the destroyer of foulness or Eternity appears at the end of Kali Yuga; Parashurama is the representation of at the same time an angry young man and a grumpy old man, Rama with an axe in the Treta Yuga; Krishna is the representation of a person in society where one is bad and one is good and is in Dwapara Yuga; Rama is a married man with children, the Prince and King of Ayodhya in the Treta Yuga; and there is also as incarnation the Buddha.