Mauritius Internet






Mauritius Internet

Internet in Mauritius


Even Mauritius is located in Indian Ocean the island is connected to internet. Mauritius want even to be known as Cyber Island! But they are quite far from this. Internet exists since some years ago now in Mauritius, since 2002 the island has ADSL connection.


Since 1995, the island has been able to connect to the world through web, email.


At this time Mauritius Telecom was the only company offering phone services and internet service, they had monopole on the island, as the Mauritian law at this period didn’t allow other telecommunication companies to make business in the country.

Now Mauritius Telecom doesn’t have the monopole anymore. There are other companies as MTML, Nomad that offers internet connection and phone services to the Mauritian.

But ADSL in Mauritius is still quite expensive compared to European. The price has reduced a lot since 2002 but still expensive.


The different internet connections offered are dial up, high speed dedicated connections, ADSL and ISDN connections.
The maximum that ADSL offers is 1M download, but usually the most used connection are 128 and 512 download.

Since a year, telecom has launched the program Myt which offers 3 in 1 which is call, watch tv and surf through your telephone line.
But the internet is still miserable sometimes even you have a high connection, you will have a very slow line.
Ok we must not forget that Mauritius is a small island and it is connected with one cable for the internet use which is the SAFE.
The internet connection is proposed for residential use and business use, there is a difference in price for both, business is more expensive but connection is not better.

There is nowadays over 10,000 users for internet use in Mauritius.


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