Of course, you find prostitution in Mauritius as in every poor country you visit. There is in Mauritius a high number of poverty, there is a large number of child prostitution found in the island.
Prostitution is very common in Mauritius though not allowed by the state. You will hear that Mauritian women are very conservative, but prostitution exists.
Both men and women prostitution are found in Mauritius island. Men prostitution is more common the last 2-3 years. The men who prostitute themselves will tell you that they are just having some fun with some women from international countries.
A lot of young girls, students start to prostitute themselves, for some pocket money, some to pay their studies or just to try because their girlfriends are doing it and telling them how easy it is to get some money. But when they prostitute and see how easy they can earn money, they stop studying and just go on with prostitution, as it is an easy way to earn some money.
Normally the government doesn’t allow prostitution in Mauritius but it seems to be tolerated even though they are trying to make of Mauritius an island without prostitution.
But in countries as Mauritius, you can’t avoid prostitution as the country has a lot of poor people and prostitution is known to be the oldest job in the world.
If you go in Port Louis, the capital city of Mauritius, in “Jardin de la Compagnie” at any time of the day you will find some Mauritian girls trying to attract some clients. There is a lot of women and men doing prostitution just to pay drugs too.