Mauritius Immigration






Mauritius Immigration

Immigration Mauritius


When you enter Mauritius as when you enter any other country of the world you need fill an Immigration document which is given in the plane or in the office where you buy your tickets directly.


As a citizen of Mauritius, you enter the Immigration at the airport without any problem.


There are to different queues at the airport which is resident and non-resident.

To come through the Immigration, you will need a valid passport of minimum six months and a visa is required if you intend to stay longer than three months.

A non-resident married to a Mauritian citizen is allowed the country as he /she is spouse from a Mauritian.

Being married to a Mauritian citizen allowed someone to apply for a Mauritius passport at the Passport and Immigration office after five marriage.


The Passport and Immigration Office is charge of issuing and processing passports, visas, residence permits and control the stay of non citizens.

For more information, you can contact the office at Port Louis, the capital city of Mauritius.
Find the address below:

Passport & Immigration Office
Sterling House
9-11 Lislet Geoffroy Street
Port Louis
Phone: -19


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