Mauritius Local Time






Mauritius Local Time

Local Time in Mauritius


Mauritius is located in the Indian Ocean, near to Madagascar and South Africa.


The local time in Mauritius is usually the same as the time in Dubai or Moscow Russia.

Mauritius is 3 hours ahead mid –European time and 4 hours ahead GMT Time.

In Mauritius usually the sun rises between 4.30am and 5am and sunset is between 6.30 pm and 7 pm depending if it is summer or winter period.

During winter the sun shines less than in summer. 

Here are some examples of the time difference between and other countries:


There 2 to 3 hours difference between France, Germany, Spain, Belgium and most of the European countries.


The difference with USA is usually 10 to 14 hours difference.


Between Australia and Mauritius there is around 6 hours difference.


Between India and Mauritius there is around 1 to 2 hours difference.


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