You want a souvenir to bring from Mauritius; a ship model is a very good present to bring back to friends and family even for yourself as decoration.
There are different shops where you can buy nice hand made ship models. If you have your own plan, you can bring it to them and the workers will do a pleasure to construct you your ship model all with hand.
One of the well known ship model shop is located at Curepipe and there is another one at Floréal.
Mauritius is really proud of their talent in constructing hand made ship models. You will have different ship models which have come to country years ago, they will be able to design you the whole ships as it was in the past. Each ship model made is given precious time so that you get the best and perfect model.
All the ships models are made completely with hand; you will never have two models that look alike. So be sure, when you are buying a ship model it will be a unique piece.