Mauritius Cigarettes






Mauritius Cigarettes

Cigarettes in Mauritius


If you smoke don’t worry, there are also cigarettes sold in Mauritius Island. There are local cigarettes and imported ones. The local cigarettes produced by the BAT, British American Tobacco, have we could say a reasonable price but Mauritian find it still expensive. Some of the Mauritian made cigarettes are known as Matinée, Embassy, Viceroy, 555 and Matelot. Matelot is considered as one of the cheapest cigarettes in island but seems not to have a very good taste and has a strong smell, so if you will be smoking these cigarettes it will be easily recognized. Matinée also a local will still be produced in Mauritius by Allan Ramsay. Most of the cigarettes packets are sold in boxes of ten or twenty cigarettes. The imported cigarettes as Marlboro normal, Marlboro light, Camel, Dunhill, Bensons, Rothmans are also found on the market.

Mauritius Cigarettes Matinee


Mauritius Embassy Cigarettes

The local cigarettes are less expensive than the imported ones. For example a packet of Marlboro may cost between Rs85 and Rs150 which is around two and four euros. The local cigarettes cost between Rs65 and Rs85.

The British American Tobacco has been producing cigarettes in Mauritius for around eighty years. The British America Tobacco will be no longer producing cigarettes in Mauritius as from June 2007; they will be moving to Kenya but will still be buying tobacco leaves from Mauritius to produce cigarettes for the island.

You can if like buy your cigarettes in the Duty Free Shop of the International Airport of Mauritius at your arrival and you are sure to find your usual cigarettes brand you use to smoke, it will cost you less than to buy it in the shops in the island.


Customs allow each person to buy two hundred cigarettes at the duty free shop.

But do not forget that cigarettes are not good for health and that causes a lot of diseases as lung or throat cancer.


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