Dardanus megistos is the scientific name of the scarlet hermit crab. The scarlet hermit crab can be found the Mauritian water and in the aquarium of Mauritius. The hermit crabs forms part of the family of Pagurroidea. Hermit crabs are decapod crustaceans. There is about 500 species of hermit crabs in the world. Most of them are aquatic. The hermit crabs are ominivorous or herbivorous. The scarlet hermit crab also known as the red reef hermit crab has a red body, has yellow eyestalks and hairy legs. This type of hermit crab has an aggressive temperament. In aquarium the dardanus megistos is safer to be kept alone as it is aggressive towards other hermit crabs. The hermit crabs will need larger shells as it grows. The hermit crab is mostly active at night and is an interesting animal in an aquarium. The hermit crab is also known as “Bernard l’ermite”.