Jaulim exactly known as S.R.Jaulim & fils is located in the city of Curepipe. The shop is located near the Mauritius Commercial Bank and the Bus Station. Curepipe is a city where a lot of people travel through the Jan Palach Bus Station. There are over eighty thousand people living in this town. In the past, Curepipe was an area forested. During 1851, industrialists started to exploit this city which was a virgin forest. In 1865 was constructed the station of Curepipe. The railway from Port Louis to Mahébourg was opened in October 1865. The first schools in Curepipe were from M. Nicault at Rue du Jardin now known as M.Guy de Robillard and from Mrs Halais at Royal Road. In 1870 was installed in a house at Sion Hill Couvent de Lorette, which later on became Rue du Couvent de Lorette.