The arcade salaffa is located in the city of Curepipe. Curepipe is in the district of the Plaines Wilhems, one of the nine districts of Mauritius. Curepipe is one of the best cities of Mauritius for shopping. The arcade is also known as Salaffa & Currimjee Arcade. When being in Curepipe you can also visit Le Manhattan and the Jan Palach Gallery. In Curepipe you can also visit the market place which is held on Wednesday and Saturday every week from early morning until six pm. In Curepipe Mauritius, is also found the George V stadium which has been renovated, the city is also home of the MCB, the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation situated both in Forest Side. Curepipe the name of the city comes from the French. The myth says that the word comes from “cure pipe” which means “to clean the smoking pipes”, it was said that the travellers used to stop at this place to clean their smoking pipes. This is from where the name comes from.