On the above picture you can observe a weather radar which has been installed at Trou aux Cerfs by the Mauritius Meteorogical Services in 1977, one of its main operation is to track tropical storms or cyclones. The Mauritius Meteo Services gives the weather forecast in Mauritius. The Mauritius Meteorogical Services is located at St Paul Road in Vacoas, Mauritius. The Meteorogical Services gives the weather forecast and everyday temperature for Mauritius and Rodrigues. There is at Vacoas a meteorogical service station for upper air and surface observations, there is another meteorogical station at Mer Rouge which is for temperature, sea, wind and rainfall observations. The rainfall in Mauritius is measured by over two hundred stations which are dispersed over the island, in Rodrigues there is around ten rainfall stations, there is one in St Brandon and one in Agalega. To offer the weather forecast in Mauritius there are meteorogical and meteorogists technicians watching all changes in forecast everyday and 24 hours. The Meteorogical Services need also to offer the weather forecast for air and shipping services. For shipping the weather forecast is issued two times daily which is at 00.30UT and a 12.30UT. The local weather forecast and charts are seen daily on television during the news (journal) on the MBC television morning and evening. The local weather forecasts are usually issued everyday at 4.00m 11.00 and 16.00 LT which is broadcasted over the local radios of Mauritius. All activities having relation to meteorology can be found since 1774, the first public observatory was founded by Colonel Lloyd, at the wharf in Port Louis in 1831 which was mainly for the marine use. In 1774 a meteorogical station was built at Pamplemousses and the Director of the Botanical gardens Mr Céré started meteorogical observations at this time. In 1902 was built in Rodrigues the first Meteorogical outstation. In 1925 the headquarters of the Meteorogical Services moved from Pamplemousses to vacoas. In February1968 the first satellite imagery was received at Mauritius Meteorogical Services of Vacoas.