Here you can see a picture of the Bank of Baroda located in Port Louis. The Bank of Baroda is originally from India and established a branch in Mauritius since 1962. The public bank has been founded in India since 1908. The bank has been established in the state of Baroda in Gujarat and has been nationalised by the Government of India in 1969. The first branch was founded in Ahmedabad in 1910. In 1953 a branch was opened in Kampala and Mombassa and in 1954 in Nairobi. In 1956 another branch was opened I Dar-es-Salam and in 1957 in London and in 1958 they acquired Hind Bank. During the 1960s until 2006 they also opened different branches and acquired other banks. In total the Bank of Baroda has over two thousand eight hundred branches and offices and around seven hundred ATMs.