Do you live on the paradise island of Mauritius and you need a car? Or you live in other part of the world and plan to move here and it is very difficult for you to bring your car? You can buy a new car or a second hand car from Mauritius, or simply appeal to the Mauritius car import. There are many important car manufacturers on the island from which you can buy a new car, as well as numerous car dealers from which you can chose a reconditioned or a second hand car. No matter if you chose a new car or a second hand one, the dealers will handle the paperwork for you. There is also the Mauritius car import possibility, maybe the best one, due to the fact that you can have the wanted car with money saved. There are some things you should know about the Mauritius car import process. Be careful at the spare parts-make sure that you can find replacement parts for your car. So, before a Mauritius car import decision, do a research regarding the car model you want to import.
The shipping is another aspect-there is many shippers who can handle the problem for you to the island’s harbour. In case that you live in other country is better to contact a popular shipping agent from the island who can liaise with the partners from your country.
The costs for the Mauritius car import include more taxes such as: shipping costs, sales tax, shipping agent fees, the road tax (locally is known as ‘declaration’), the import permit, which you have to get from the Commerce Ministry before your car arrives, the registration (it depends on the car’s engine capacity) and custom duty (based on the car’s value and engine capacity).
The value of your car will be assessed at the customs department. There is also the case of the Mauritian citizens returning on the island.
If you are a Mauritius citizen and you have spent more than 5 years as resident abroad, you are eligible for a duty rate of 15% instead of 100%-the usual one.
The registration of the car must be on your name and must have at least one year before being shipped. There are no restrictions on the car’s age but is important to know that you must have the residency abroad documentary evidence for a 5 years continuous period.
You also have to know that there are some restrictions regarding the time you stay outside Mauritius to have the returning citizen qualification. The effectiveness of the restrictions is for 4 years from your car registration’s date.
But, if you are a government employee above some specific levels, you are exempted from the Mauritius car import duty, only if the car is not older than 4 years.
In Mauritius, the cigarettes, the alcoholic drinks, the petroleum and the vehicles are included in the basic import duties, varying from 0% to 360%.