Mauritius abortion is an illegal thing but the island’s reproductive health image includes the abortions in a very much proportion, despite the restrictions imposed by the law. In order to find out the reason for which the women from Mauritius risk their health and even their lives, not to mention their reproductive possibilities in the future by making abortions in illegal induced ways, the Mauritius Family Planning Association made a study. This research included 475 women that were treated in 3 different hospitals for abortion complications in the first 4 mouths of 1992. The quantitative and the qualitative data collected were taken into consideration.
An unwanted pregnancy was on the first place, seen as a threat for the woman and for the family.
These unwanted pregnancies and causes of Mauritius abortion were a result of the contraceptive methods improper used like the natural family planning, the withdrawal or the total lack of the contraceptive methods. 93% of the women used a self-induced abortion method, which caused the complications suffered by these women. What results from this study is a number of women dedicated to improve their control fertility ability in the future. The recommendations for their actions in the future are more than necessary.
The contraceptive rate is about 75% but the unsafe Mauritius abortions incidence is high because of the unprotected sex that the young females have in an environment that industrialises in a fast rhythm.
The MFPA (the Mauritius Planning Association) approached the problem of the unsafe Mauritius abortion. Not only that the abortion is illegal here but the
Catholic Church has a strong opposition regarding the modern methods of family planning and in these giving conditions, the use of the calendar method and the withdrawal method increased. In 1993, an advocacy symposium was organised by the MFPA about the unsafe Mauritius abortion, and the pressure of the church exerted regarding the contraceptives and the abortion was revealed. The MFPA campaign promoted the legalisation of the Mauritius abortion as well as the improvement of the family planning services, in particular for the young women and men that are not married.
The media fully supported the campaign with articles, press meetings. The public relations also supported the campaign and the association worked in close relations with the parliamentarians.