Mauritius Bureau of Standards is a Ministry of Commerce and Industry division established by the 1975 Standards Act. Today, it is a body corporate under the government of the 1993 Mauritius Bureau of Standards Act, with greater autonomy and flexibility and important role in the island’s industrialization.
The Mauritius Bureau of Standards role is more effectively due to the new equipment, laboratories state and headquarters.
The control and administration of the MBS is owned by a directors board named Standard Council, made of representatives of different island economy’s sectors. Among the Mauritius Bureau of Standards services and activities we mention the island’s help to be a high quality centre of services and manufacturing.
Quality assurance, testing, standards and metrology are the principal activities areas of the Bureau. As affiliations, MBS is member of ISO (the International Organisation for Standardization), represents Mauritius in ARSO (the Africa Regional Organization for Standardization) and is an active participant in SADC (Southern African Development Community) and in COMESA (the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) with metrology, quality and standardisation cooperation programs.
MBS assurance division offers training courses that include management and quality technology organised in large public groups. They also organise internal audit courses and ISO 9001: 2000 auditor and lead auditor courses. These offer hands on training to ensure that the auditors acquire the needed expertise to have an effective performance.
The Mauritius Bureau of Standards also conducts courses about the environmental management system, information security management system and food safety management system. MBS has standards for the fresh tomatoes, applying to the tomatoes commercial varieties of the Solanaceae family and Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. They have to be supplied and marketed fresh, even after they are prepared and packaged.

The tomatoes going to the industrial process are not included in this standard. The Mauritius Bureau of Standards has also standards for the household electric lamps-requirements regarding the labelling and energy efficiency.
The standard applies to household fluorescent lamps (even if they are non-integral fluorescent lamps and linear lamps), household directly supplied from mains (integral fluorescent lamps and filament lamps) and refers to the labelling and energy efficiency standard including the lamps for the non-household lamps, the general lightening service self ballasted lamps, the self ballasted compact fluorescent lamps (no matter if they are with or without cover) with reflector elements. These lamps are designed for general lightening purposes having integrated means with which the starting and functions can be controlled.
There are also Mauritius Bureau standards for the dried milk: requirements for the dried milk and for the powder one made from the cow’s milk intended for further processing or direct consumption. The standards are for the dried whole milk, instant nonfat (skimmed) dried milk, nonfat (skimmed) dried milk but the dried milk that is specially prepared for the infants is not included. If you need to contact the Mauritius Bureau of Standards, the address is: Villa Road, Moka. Or, you can call at: 230 4333648. The fax numbers are: 230 4335051, 230 4335150.