Mauritius building regulations say that anyone who wants to build on the island has to present a building permit. It is a document empowering the administration to check if a construction plan complies with the regulations. To apply for the building permit, you must complete some forms of the municipality from where you also can get all the complete information about the Mauritius building regulations. You also have to add all the documents to the application.
If you have questions about the building permit application you can get help from the planning department-the application section. According to the Mauritius building regulations you have to present: copy of construction permit or of the lease permit, copy of your ID card, 3 sets of A4 or A3 plans, at metric scale and made by professional,
the site plan with the indications of the landmark distances, at 1:2500 scale, the site plan with the indications of the subdivision’s dimensions, the building’s provision with the setbacks from access roads, parking lots provision, boundaries, septic tanks or other systems for the water drainage as well as all the existing structures at a 1:200 scale. According to the Mauritius building regulations you also have to present the CEB permission, CWA or WMA authorisation, engineer certificate if the building has more than two storeys span with over 5 metres, the ID card copy and consent copy of your neighbour if the building is done inside 9 metres of wall, reservation or lease letter and draft’s preparation contract in case that is the government’s land (you can receive it from general rate), the application form that you can get from the Ministry of Territorial Administration, from the Ministry of Investment or from the Department of Planning.
The Mauritius building regulations also ask you to present the site’s area, each floor’s area, the calculation in detail of the subdivision insurance as well as the parking lots on the site’s map as it follows: the principal facades, revealing the building’s height, at 1:100 or 1:200 scale, the cross-sections, revealing the building’s height too,

also at 1:100 or 1:200 scale, each floor’s plans layout, showing very clearly the all rooms proposed function, at 1:100 or 1:200 scale, the basement scheme, the contour map to show the basement’s level. The structural submitted details include: foundations provision, amounts or foundations details (strip footing, basement, etc).
And in case that the housing complex you have involves the construction’s building you have to provide the each floor’s details, the each floor’s tile or tiles details, the stairs details, the basement details (if the building will have it), the disposal system or septic tank details, the existing structure’s structural details copy (if the building will have it).
To get more information about the Mauritius building regulations you can contact the Port Louis municipality at:
Hotel de Ville, Port Louis, phone number: 2302120831/32/33 or fax number: 2302124258, the municipality of Quatre Bornes at: Town Hall, St. Jean Road, Quatre Bornes, phone number: 2304548054/56 of fax number: 2304657084.